San Ramon Lapathon 2022
The San Ramon Lapathon is a school-based event that helps promote exercise, health and teamwork.
On October 21st, students will run laps on the grade assigned tracks on the field behind the school. This is a family friendly event so feel free to come cheer on your little runners (Parents please sign in at the office first).
Starting now, gather pledges from friends and family members, pledges may be a flat fee or per lap pledge. Students can collect pledges on paper OR online with Each child will have their own pledge page to share with family and friends. To find it, please follow these steps:
- Go to
- In the “Search for Participant” box, enter your child’s first name and first letter of their last name to link to their page.
- On your child’s page, under “Help spread the word” there are several ways to share a direct link to your child’s page.
- You will also be receiving a welcome email from 99 pledges that will bring you directly to your page.
- If you prefer to use a paper pledge form, you will find it in your Friday folder next week with a copy of this letter.
If you do not find your child’s name, please contact This page is only visible to those with a link and it is not available through an internet search. Full names are not included. If you would like your child removed from the online system, please let us know. All the proceeds will go directly to our core PTA programs including art, music, technology, literacy, field trips and the library.
This year our goal is to raise $20,000! That means that if every student at San Ramon participated in the Lapathon, and raised just $45 each, our school will reach our goal of $20,000!
Remember to collect pledges from friends and family only. Stay safe. The money is due by October 28th 2022 and must be turned in by the due date in order to be eligible for the additional prizes. Thank you for supporting our children and teachers at San Ramon Elementary by September 26th.
The entire school wins the grand prize…daily access to programs and technology that enhances the learning process! In addition, all participants will receive a Lapathon T-shirt. If we reach our goal of $20,000, Mrs. Langford has agreed to give the entire school 15 minutes of extra recess!!!
Please join us in this team effort to support all students at San Ramon! If you have any questions regarding this event, or would like to volunteer, please let us know. If you are a local business owner that would like to be an official Lapathon sponsor (logo goes on this year’s t-shirts), please email by September 26th.